was told i'm the unluckiest person in the world again today... how nice...
i wish i could say what was really bothering me.. what's really going on but i can't... and it's kind of bad right now and i'm slipping and i can't do anything, i can't right myself and fix it right now and that's really sad... but i mean... i was supposed to be helped with it today but was forgotten about... so i can't fix this for another week... ugh... i'm really stuck feeling like hell for another week til i can fix this... how sad, huh?
just saw the airline prices have gone up... how sadder... looks like this won't be happening anytime soon... so, i'm just gonna...get it out now... and then, be done with it i guess... cuz i'm so frigging frustrated.. but i don't have a choice... i only ever pushed because i wanted it to happen, so friggin badly, before it was too late... and now... ugh... i dunno... i just don't know anymore...
so this is me, getting it out and now putting it away..
because i'm done...
i'm done with so much more than anyone knows, that i just can't get into right now...
how much sadder is that, huh?